
Teaching RWS200: Sample Syllabi, Assignments, Prompts, Schedules and Teaching Materials

Page history last edited by Mariam Kushkaki 12 years, 6 months ago

A large collection of 200 materials is available on Blackboard - please see the Instructor's Resource Guide. However, here are some recent materials by experienced and new 200 teachers.


*Here is the most recent and Recommended General Sequence with assignments, prompts, and readings in conjunction with Rereading America 8th Edition-Spring 2012. You will also find it in parts under the units on the front page of the Wiki.


The following sequences may also provide guidance:



RWS 200 Spring 2012- Tyler Thompson 

RWS 200 Spring 2012 - Mariam Kushkaki

RWS200 syllabus - Spring 2012.doc - Daniela Schonberger



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