
RWS 200

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on January 18, 2012 at 11:41:39 am

Resources for TAs Teaching 200


Teaching RWS200 - Sample Syllabi, Assignments, Prompts, Schedules & Teaching Materials


Textbooks for 200 with useful thematic sequences



  • Unit 1: Construct an account of an argument and identify elements of context embedded in it


  • Unit 2: Follow avenues of investigation, Notice context, Research, and Evaluate how understanding context changes argument 


  • Unit 3: Given the common concerns of two or more arguments, discuss how the claims of these arguments modify, complicate or qualify one another:


  • Unit 4 (Optional): Consider own student life as context, Position life in relation to text arguments, shape own analysis through this framework




  • All Purpose Materials for Teaching
    Pre-reading exercises, group work, class discussion 
    strategies, rhetorical reading, charting, drafting, peer review, metadiscourse, teaching with visual texts, etc.


  • RWS 100 FrankenReader
    Here is last semester's "FrankenReader," a set of excerpts from 14 popular argument/rhetoric textbooks. 

















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